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Best Surgeon For Rhinoplasty In Tijuana

Schedule an appointment for a one-on-one video consultation with Dr. Carlos Marciales today.

What to do before a Rhinoplasty procedure in Tijuana?

At your initial consultation with Dr. Marciales, you will discuss your medical history and receive a physical exam. He must be healthy and have realistic goals for his procedure. Dr. Marciales will make recommendations based on his expectations and general health. In some cases, a smaller procedure may be enough to satisfy the goals of it.

Explanation of the procedure:

Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure to repair or reshape the nose. You can change the size, width and profile of your nose. It can smooth out depressions or bumps in the bridge and repair an imperfect nasal tip (one that is too large, droopy, or curved up). Large or wide nostrils can be reshaped and a deviated septum can be corrected.

What can I expect from a rhinoplasty procedure?

The surgery is performed under local or general anesthesia. The surgery usually lasts one to two hours, but when more complex restructuring is required, the procedure can take longer.

An occult incision is made, usually within the nostrils or under the nose, and the nose is reduced or enlarged using cartilage grafts. These grafts are usually harvested from inside the nose during the procedure. When necessary, they can be harvested from the ear or rib. For those who wish to avoid additional surgical sites for cartilage graft harvesting, Dr. Marciales will use a sterilized human rib cartilage allograft. At the time of surgery, if a deviated septum needs to be corrected for breathing, it is also straightened.

Post operation:

  • Once the nasal structure has been reshaped, the incisions are closed and the patient is given a splint and packing to help support the nose while it heals.
  • Most patients go home the same day, although more complicated procedures may require a short hospital stay.
  • You will be asked to rest in bed immediately after surgery, keeping your head elevated to reduce swelling and bleeding.
  • You may experience facial swelling and minor bruising for a few days while it heals.
  • More extensive procedures may bruise for up to 1-2 weeks.
  • The dressings are usually removed after a week.
  • Rhinoplasty generally offers permanent results, although it can take up to a year for these to be fully noticeable.

What are the risks?

Rhinoplasty is a common and safe procedure, but there are risks inherent in any surgery. These include infection, bleeding, pain, bruising, swelling, numbness, nasal asymmetry, septal perforation, contour irregularities, the need for occasional check-ups.

Call +66 43 880 147 for more information or to make an appointment


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