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Thigh Lift
In Tijuana, BC

Best Surgeon For Thigh Lift In Tijuana

Schedule an appointment for a one-on-one video consultation with Dr. Carlos Marciales today.

What to do before your procedure?

At your initial consultation with Dr. Marciales, you will discuss your medical history and receive a physical exam. He must be healthy and have realistic goals for his procedure. Dr. Marciales will make recommendations based on his expectations and general health. In some cases, a smaller procedure may be enough to satisfy the goals of it.

Explanation of the procedure:

The Cruroplasty procedure (thigh lift) is a surgical procedure aimed at improving the shape and smoothness of the legs for the following reasons:

    ● Improve the body contour of a woman who, for personal reasons, thinks that the skin on her thighs is sagging.

    ● Correct a reduction in the volume of the legs and thighs after a significant reduction in weight.

    ● Allow the use of certain garments such as swimsuits, in women with thighs in very bad condition

By pulling on the skin both superiorly and medially, we can give more smoothness to the distended skin of the thigh and raise the sagging tissue. This text will give you a basic understanding of the procedure – when it can help you, how it’s done, and what results you can expect. It cannot answer all your questions, as many depend on the individual circumstances of each patient. In the initial consultation we will explain all the particularities of your case.

What can I expect from a cruroplasty procedure?

  • You will get  smoother , more stylized and younger-looking thighs .
  • Thanks to the thigh lift,  you will avoid discomfort caused by excess skin , such as excess sweat or chafing in the area.
  • You will recover mobility and comfort  when doing sports as well as the most daily activities of daily life.

Post operation:

In the postoperative period of the plastic surgery of the legs  you must do:

  • Relative rest
  • Bandage and/or compressive girdle
  • Lymphatic drainages are recommended 4 weeks after surgery
  • Remove stitches in 10-21 days.
  • It is recommended to avoid sun exposure and avoid physical exercise.
  • intense during the first 4 weeks after surgery.
  • Anticoagulation is usually required the first postoperative week due to the immobilization it entails.
  • Depending on the type of work you do, you will be able to return to your normal work activity two weeks after the cruroplasty.

During the first weeks after the intervention, the thighs will be swollen. However, you will already be able to notice the smoother and smoother skin, as well as an improvement in your body contour. It will not be until after 6-12 months of the intervention when we will be able to observe the definitive result of the intervention.

What are the risks?

But as with any operation, there are risks associated with surgery and specific complications associated with the procedure.

As with any surgical procedure, postoperative bleeding can cause swelling and discomfort. Such discomfort is mitigated by the placement of drains that are maintained for 2 or 3 days to evacuate the blood from the wound. However, there is a small risk of hematoma which, if it occurs, may require the evacuation of the accumulated blood.
A small percentage of patients may develop an infection. This can happen at any time, but is more common in the first week after surgery.

Likewise, there is a risk of wound dehiscence if excessive traction is applied to them, so you must be extremely careful with your body movements during the first two weeks.

Some women report areas of skin with decreased sensation near the incisions. These symptoms usually go away over time, but can be permanent in some patients.

Sometimes the scars from the incision are not as good as we would like. This depends on personal factors and the location of the scars. We will explain in detail where they sit and what is the expected quality of the scars.

Most patients who undergo a thigh and buttock lift do not suffer from the complications described, however it is important that they are aware of them and in the preoperative consultation we explain each of them so that they are aware of the benefits and risks of this intervention that on the other hand has a high degree of satisfaction.

Call +66 43 880 147 for more information or to make an appointment


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